THE first of the planned regular coffee mornings started well last Saturday with £60 being shared between the church and parish hall. Bookings have already been received for table top sales at the next coffee morning on Saturday, April 17. This is an ideal time for a spring clear out so why not recycle any surplus bric-a-brac etc. Tables, bookable in advance, cost £5.

On Wednesday, March 31, at 7.30pm Bosbury Players meet in the Old Boys' School for a play reading. The producer hopes to cast most of the parts for the forthcoming production of Pride and Prejudice. Please come along if you are interested in taking part.

Also on March 31 the Bosbury Bowls and Tennis Club hold its AGM in the Committee Room of the Parish Hall at 8pm.

On a sadder note, despite continuing negotiations between the Parish Hall committee and the Post Office, the last two applicants have withdrawn. The Post Office will continue to advertise the vacancy for a sub-post master for Bosbury but meanwhile the Post Office will close on March 31.

Please speak to Christine Martin for advice on future payments and services. The shop will remain open until 1.30pm on Friday, April 2. Christine's cheerful efficiency in the Post Office and Stephanie's helpful assistance in the shop will be sorely missed as demonstrated by your generous contributions to a farewell gift. The Rev. Sue Strutt will make the presentations in the parish Hall at 4pm on Friday, April 2. Tea and cake will be served and everyone is most welcome.

At Holy Trinity Bosbury on Sunday, March 28, the 6.30pm evensong will be conducted by Ray Honey. Listeners to Radio Four will also have an opportunity to hear Ray taking part in the radio programme Excess Baggage to be broadcast this Saturday morning at 10am.