BROADWAY residents have been called on to help campaign for a weight restriction through the centre of the village.

Broadway Parish Council would like to see a 7.5 tonne restriction imposed in High Street and Leamington Road to prevent heavy goods vehicles from travelling through the village instead of using the bypass.

The council is organising a traffic survey which it hopes will persuade the highways authority to support its campaign and introduce the restriction.

Parish clerk Eddie Vickers said: "This exercise will be extremely helpful in persuading the highways authority to support our proposal to introduce a weight restriction for the village which would improve business for traders and the quality of life for residents, as well as helping to conserve our buildings and heritage."

The council plans to carry out the 12-hour survey one day in April, likely to be Friday 16, and has called on residents to help by volunteering to monitor traffic.

Volunteers will work in pairs for shifts of two to three hours between 7am and 7pm.

They will be based at monitoring points in Leamington Road, just south of the bypass roundabout, High Street, east of the junction with Cheltenham Road, and Church Street, just south of the junction with High Street.

Full instructions will be given nearer the time and anyone interested in helping should contact Eddie Vickers on 01386 854813 or by writing to the Parish Clerk, Broadway Parish Council, Hunters Lodge, High Street, Broadway, WR12 7DT, stating their preferred time and location.

Anyone who would like to volunteer but is unavailable on Friday, April 16 should write to the clerk stating other dates in April they could volunteer and, if enough support is shown, the date could be changed.