A VALE headteacher has condemned as 'senseless' vandals who caused more than £1,000 worth of damaged to his school.

Staff at Swan Lane First School discovered the adventure playground has been set alight when they arrived at work last Thursday. It had been burning all night and was the latest incident in a spate of recent attacks on the school.

During the half term a group of young skateboarders had been spotted on site - they had used new picnic benches to create ramps and climbed on to the school roof. Headteacher Graham Walker said: "When the school reopened after half-term over 50 roof tiles had to be replaced, three windows had been broken and graffiti written over the doors.

"The children are quite disgusted that someone can do this to their school. There is plenty to do just keeping a school going on a day to day basis, but when we have to call in the police and the fire brigade it takes time away from the job we are here to do which is educating the children.

"The governing body has discussed security on numerous occasions but we want the school to be a place where children feel welcome - not a prison.

This kind of anti-social behaviour is senseless and I cannot understand why people should want to cause damage to our school's facilities."

Evesham beat manager PC Paul Adams said: "We are delighted to be working with Swan Lane First School to reduce the problems they have had over the half-term holiday. As well as the police the neighbourhood warden will be patrolling the area too."