THREE weeks travelling to the so-called "super" hospital at Worcester, three or four times a week, has brought home to me the terrible situation we are in as regards medical help in terms of heart problems.

Apart from 45 minutes of stress trying to get there, you have to spend 10 or 15 minutes to park your car - that is if you are lucky - as there appears to be 25 per cent more cars than spaces.

There are cars everywhere - on double yellow lines, grass verges, and footpaths - as far as the eye can see.

After travelling there so often I can quite see why drivers get frustrated and dump their cars anywhere they will fit.

Then, of course, you have the truly terrible journey back to Kidderminster.

I am convinced now that until we get A&E back to Kidderminster Hospital anyone living here and the surrounding areas has no chance if they succumb to a heart attack.

I am visiting a sister who lives in Worcester, and I pity the poor souls who have to travel to visit family members from Kidderminster. I also cannot imagine the hell of trying to get there by bus.


Lea Wood Grove Kidderminster