I NOTICE that "our" ever-helpful Worcestershire County Council has finally decided that traffic levels on the A449 between the black bridge and Ombersley, have declined to such an extent that the dual carriageway can be dispensed with altogether.

This raises the important question of what to do with the thousands of acres of "our" land which are now redundant. Since this area represents by far the biggest "brown field" site in the entire district, might I suggest that all the remaining traffic be concentrated on just one carriageway and the rest of the land sold off for housing?

The enormous revenues this would produce might give us a Council Tax-free period for a year or two and it would only be necessary for the Highways Department to plant a few signs and add some lines.

In due course, as this road reduction scheme is extended to the M5 junction, the entire local housing shortage could be overcome and it would not even be necessary to build an access road - another Worcestershire wonder.


Sandbourne Drive
