WE have recycled our paper, card, glass and tins at our local council recycling depot for the past 10 years, so the new weekly kerbside collections are very useful to us.

We all need to play a part in responsible rubbish disposal but this should involve both us, as consumers, and the manufacturers of these products. We owe it to our future generations so they do not end up with a world quite literally littered with waste and landfill sites.

Increasingly, manufacturers appear to be leaving behind the more environmentally friendly forms packaging. Until recently, the four-tin packs of baked beans were packaged together in recyclable card but now plastic wrapping is used, and when was the last time anyone opened a chocolate bar wrapped in foil and paper, both of which can be recycled?

Gravy granules and sauces are increasingly packaged in plastic rather than glass containers and many plastic containers still don't have codes identifying their suitability for recycling, giving us no alternative but to put them in our wheelie bins.

We can only recycle more of our rubbish if manufacturers take some responsibility for their packaging as well.

Everyone out there who puts their recyclable waste out for recycling rather than just stuffing it in their wheelie bins for another landfill site should give themselves a pat on the back for their contribution.

It doesn't take any more time to put a newspaper or cereal box in your recycle box than it does to put in your wheelie bin and our future world will benefit.


Golden Hind Drive
