QUIZ NIGHT: A well attended function was held raising £600 for the King George's Hall funds.

PARISH COUNCIL: The monthly meeting was held in King George's Hall, chaired by coun L Stowe.

The councillors had a site meeting as arranged at The Plantation. The path around two sides will be concreted and higher kerbing used. The square edges will be rounded off to prevent further damage to the wall. There still may be a grant available to assist paying towards this repair.

No road repairs had been carried out along Stratford Road but some pothole repairs had been carried out in Chapel Lane and Mill Bank.

The grass verge along the Stratford Road appears to be damaged by vehicles riding over it. The council would like to be informed of who is causing this problem.

The district councillor gave her report. Councillors were interested to learn that graffiti on property should be removed at the owner's expense, unless the culprits could be found.

Coun J Girling will look into a request by the primary school headmaster for a donation from the parish council towards moving the pitch, used by school children in the junior playing fields. Findings will be reported at the March meeting.

Estimates have been received as requested from three firms, to provide a system of multi-play in the junior playing fields. They ranged from £9,743 to £15,750. There is about £11,000 in funds - grants are being applied for. The parish council will donate money towards it.

From discussions it would appear that Back Lane is unsuitable for an application to be made making it into a one-way system but a crossing of the High Street by the Terrace could be considered.

Repairs for the cemetery gates are being proceeded with and the way of dealing with excess soil being removed from graves will be to increase burial fees.

The spring-cleaning operation will be in April and volunteers are required. Coun Medlyn would be glad to hear from villagers.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, March 31 at 7pm followed by a talk given at 7.30pm by a member of the planning department.