PLAYING FIELD: Roger Beard reports that members of the committee are delighted to see how much use is being made of the playing field, the football pitch being so well used that there may well be the need to re-seed it in the spring. More than 40 trees have been planted over the past months and these should more than compensate for the removal of the old hedge. They have been specially chosen to provide colour throughout the year and should give much pleasure to the people who frequent the area.

In the course of the next few weeks the committee will be placing orders for further items of equipment - a tarmac area for basketball, a picnic bench and seats, a new gate, additional benches and more evergreen trees. There has been an inquiry by the organisers of the church fete into the possibility of holding the summer fete on the playing field this year; it is hoped that all the planned facilities will be in place by that time.

VILLAGE HALL: At the meeting of the village hall management committee last Thursday, the chairman, Mrs Paula Christie, and her husband, the treasurer Mr Noel Christie spent some time reviewing their plans and intentions for the improvement and running of the hall and expressing their disappointment that they had not had the support from the various organisations and their representatives that they would have hoped for.

This had resulted in their decision to ask for a vote of confidence, at which point they left the room to allow discussion among the committee. To their disappointment, the vote of confidence was not given whereupon they resigned from their posts and left the meeting. This leaves the village hall committee without two of its officers, but volunteers have offered to fill the posts temporarily thus ensuring that the hall can stay open, with all bookings honoured and day-to day activities still taking place. The long-term appointments will be made at the AGM which will take place, as planned, on March 10. Residents are reminded that this is a public meeting.

ST JAMES' CHURCH: At Sunday morning's service the Rector spoke about the success of the pancake evening which, at very short notice, had had to be held in the church instead of the village hall. In thanking everyone whose initiative and hard work had made it possible, he included all who had supported the event by coming out on a cold, wet night to ensure its success. He added that 200 pancakes were bought and eaten and more than £100 raised for the Church of England Children's Society.