A MEETING to try to advance plans for a new hospital for Alcester was held last month.

The event, at Alcester High School, also helped bring residents up to date on how far the scheme had developed.

The original plan was for the Primary Care Trust (PCT) to be responsible for the management, development and implementation of the new facility but this changed after negotiations between the PCT and Arrow Lodge and Priory Road surgeries - the Alcester Doctors' Consortium (ADC).

The project will now be owned and driven by GPs from start to finish with close working links to the PCT and an advisory role from the NHS Estate Business Agency (EBA).

The exchange of contract between the PCT and ADC is likely to take place next month. This will involve the sale of the land to ADC for health care provisions and after this, any land surplus to hospital requirements will be put on the market and sold through an open tender for housing development.

Concerns had been expressed by nearby residents that a multi-storey building was intended for the hospital but the PCT has assured them an illustration they were previously shown was not a true representation and current proposals are actually for a building consisting of just a ground floor and first floor.

A spokesman said: "Nothing at the moment is cast in concrete and negotiations are still ongoing.

"There are many challenges ahead and several complicated processes to go through before we see a firm plan.

"What is important is for residents and community leaders to stay close to the project and monitor its progress at all levels."