A committee formed to raise cash for vital repairs at St Nicholas' Church will be hanging up their collection boxes after years of hard work and dedication.

The St Nicholas' Church Restoration Committee has been fund-raising since February 1998 to find the means of paying for the renewal of the main roof, the flat leaded sheath and any ancillary work needed to re-roof the nave and side aisles.

From this, the committee went on to help with the redecoration of the main body of the church, re-tile the tessellated floor and finance the renewal of the heating system.

The heating project is still short of about £3,000 but with events planned, the committee believes it can reach that target.

Chairman Norman Barker said: "The job we took on has now come to an end. The building has been restored and is in its best condition since the rebuilding in 1870.

"There are and always will be small repairs to be carried out and it would be pleasant to redecorate the vestry, chancel and Lady Chapel and the tower but this is not restoration, only normal maintenance work and will no doubt be financed through the PCC Fabric Fund or the church book stall.

"We've loved working together for six years and we'd like to thank everyone who has helped us."

The figures raised include considerable amounts from the church book shop.

Re-roofing the nave and side aisles cost £75,372; re-tiling floors and redecorating the main church body was £8,500; the committee's contribution to the interior lighting was £2,000; £53,993 has been paid out so far for the heating project and £6,000 for small bills and the balance of heating costs will follow.