AN ancient spiritual and cleansing tradition has been bought to life in Wythall by a member of a Native American tribe.

Eve Gray Wolf's people are the Huron and she is also a member of the Seneca Wolf Clan.

She has recently introduced sweat lodges - which are a method by which the Huron believe individuals can cleanse body, mind and spirit - to Wythall.

The traditional Canadian sweat lodge ceremony involves eight 'rounds'. Each round involves those taking part sitting in a circle inside a willow dome shaped construction.

In the centre is a pit where rocks which have been heated on a fire are placed.

Herbs are sprinkled on the hot rocks followed by water, creating an aromatic steam atmosphere while songs, drumming or prayers take place.

After this first round has taken place, seven more are carried out in the same manner, each dedicated to a different purpose, including individuals looking at their lives, giving thanks and healing, blessing the land and asking for help and looking for visions.

The next sweat lodge ritual in Wythall will be held on April 10.

To book a place, which costs £30, call 01564 702690, email or visit the website at