SPEEDING drivers will no longer be able to dodge mobile cameras because details of where they will be stationed are to be kept a secret.

Until now motorists have been able to find out in advance where speed checks will be carried out each day through the Worcester News or local radio stations.

But people use the information to speed elsewhere, says the West Mercia Safety Camera Partnership, which has now stopped the practice.

A spokeswoman for the organisation said: "We are finding it difficult to accurately predict where we will be enforcing over the coming weeks, due to maintenance schedules, changed priorities at sites and general site conditions.

"Our staff must have flexibility to change their locations and we often find ourselves being asked why we were working at a place not on the list, or why we were not working at a site that was.

"We have also been concerned some drivers may be using the information to determine where and when cameras are active and speed when they believe enforcement may not be taking place."

The partnership's website will still show maps of all permanent enforcement areas as well as providing new collisions and speeds information.

The spokeswoman added: "I know that this information was useful to many people, and I'm sorry that we are having to stop this service.

"However, I am sure people will all agree that our main priority must always be road safety, helping to reduce collisions and casualties on our roads by encouraging motorists to drive within the speed limit at all times."

The Worcester News will continue to print details of when new fixed camera sites become operational and also keep readers updated on speeding campaigns and road safety news.