THE president, Catherine Kealy, welcomed the members to the meeting, especially Jill's mum.

Mulled wine was served and a toast was drunk to the institute. Everyone was wished a happy Christmas and a happy New Year. It was good to receive a cheery card from Doris Passey, thanking everyone for the cards and flowers she received during her convalescence. She is making a good recovery.

The 2004 committee was introduced and thee was a warm welcome for new member Jean Williams. It was noted that the carol service had been a great success. Special thanks were extended to Barbara Turner and her husband for the excellently produced programmes. Ann Darlow was thanked for her organisation of all the successful outings during the year. All the committee members were also thanked for their work throughout the year. The County News was read and discussed. Much amusement was caused by the recipe for elephant stew contained in the newsletter. Recipe as follows: one elephant, two rabbits, brown gravy, salt and pepper. It takes four weeks to cook over a kerosene fire. Want to try it? Names were taken for the annual dinner to be held on Thursday, January 22 - A Black Country celebration at the Bridge Hotel.

Business concluded, Mike and Pat Ledbury provided entertainment. Their theme was A Victorian Family Christmas. Mike played a melodian and Pat played a drum. The atmosphere of a true family Christmas was evoked; the Yule log, the ivy, the mistletoe and the holly branches. Mike told of the Victorian's love of music. We listened to carols, folk tunes and lullabies. Memories were brought back of how Christmas used to be, how families produced their own entertainment and how Christmas was essentially for children. It was a magical entertainment that Mike and Pat gave us. It opened the window on old traditional Christmases. Chris Pagett gave the vote of thanks.

Father Christmas, helped by his little elfin helper, distributed Christmas presents and several raffle prizes were won. The meeting ended on a very happy note.