Dear Editor - Mr Anderson thinks Blair and Bush are great leaders (Advertiser, January 7 ). I'm afraid I don't agree.

Of course it is good that Saddam has been found, but at what cost? So far no less than 7 billion pounds.

With this money we could have built another 100 hospitals the size of the Worcester Royal.

Not to mention the lives of countless thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians and the ever-growing fatalaties among our young soldiers.

All wars are immoral but we were not told we were going to war with Iraq for a regime change. Let us not forget that the former Soviet Union had weapons of mass destruction and that tens of millions of its citizens died at the hands of Stalin but did we invade the USSR? Of course not. Iraq was a much easier target.

I was never afraid of Saddam. Iraq was never a danger to this country but the present incumbent of the White House is. I personally am terrified of the lunatic Bush and long for a return of sanity by the American voters.

As for Blair, it hurts me to say as a lifelong Labour voter that I can't wait for him to be kicked out of Number 10 - the sooner the better.

Frank Allen

Brantwood Road

Droitwich Spa