AS the party season gets underway, town police have issued some precautionary measures to ensure this year's festivities are fun for everyone.

Sergeant Jan Heritage has issued a few 'Do's and Don'ts' to ensure party revellers take full advantage of the party events on offer and have a safe and happy time.


She said: "We would remind residents that a few moments forethought can make a real difference to their personal safety and enjoyment.

"If they are planning an evening out, they should decide beforehand whether or not they intend to drink. If so, they should arrange a lift home with a friend or order a taxi home in advance.

"It is important to ensure that a reputable mini-cab or private hire car company is used and that they check the taxi is the one they ordered before getting in to it."

She also warned party revellers opting for public transport to avoid isolated bus stops and stations and those walking to leave with friends and avoid short-cuts through alleys, parks or across waste ground. They are also urged not to hitch-hike or get a lift from a stranger. Women are also advised to consider carrying a personal alarm and conceal expensive jewellery during the night and particularly as they head home.

Sgt Heritage said: "Keep your handbag zipped up and remember to carry it close to you. If someone should attempt to grab it, let it go. If you hang on, you might get injured - and your safety is always more important than your property."

She added: "Remember cash is always a prime target and so everyone should carry as little as possible. A mobile phone is also highly desirable to a thief and should, therefore, be used discreetly."

"These common-sense reminders are easy things to do and we hope they will go a long way in helping people to protect themselves over the festive period."