THREE high schools in the Vale are celebrating the latest Key Stage 3 exam results, which test 14-year-olds in English, Maths and Science.

Out of 253 pupils eligible to sit the exams at Pershore High School, 90 per cent achieved level five in English, 81 per cent in maths and 80 per cent in science.

Headteacher Clive Corbett said he was particularly pleased the school achieved the highest value added measure in the county, which assesses the rate of progress between key stages two and three.

"Although we are very pleased with what the youngsters have achieved and the staff have made possible, it is only one way to measure progress. We also put emphasis on sport, music, public speaking and debating to help every youngster achieve their full potential in and out of the classroom."

Out of 276 pupils eligible to sit the exams at Evesham High School, 84 per cent achieved level five in English, 75 per cent in maths and 77 per cent in science.

Headteacher David Kelly said he was also delighted with their value added measure, which was a full point above the county average.

"We were delighted with the results, which were our best ever and a credit to the teachers, pupils and parents ," he said.

Prince Henry's High School had 308 pupils eligible for the exam last May, with 81 per cent achieving level five in English, 84 per cent in maths and 90 per cent in science.