A PILOT was forced to make an emergency landing in a cornfield after his light aircraft developed engine problems.

The 67-year-old pilot, who has not been named, had just taken off from Bewdley when the plane, a Zenair CH 601UL Zodiac, began to lose power.

At around 100 feet, the pilot realised he would have to land and, as there was no room on the grass strip below, he decided to come down in nearby cornfield at Droppingwells Farm.


Although he escaped uninjured, the wing, landing gear and propeller were all damaged.

The Air Accident Investigations Branch (AAIB) was informed and looked into the incident that happened at 12.30pm on Saturday, June 28.

The AAIB concluded that a "vapour lock" had occurred in the fuel lines.

It said the aircraft fuel's system was not fitted with a vapour return line, and stated that for safety reasons, the Zenair CH601, fitted with a Rotax 912 engine and using unleaded fuel, must have a vapour return line in order for it to comply with regulations.