A RESTAURANT owner whose home was an Aladdin's Cave for stolen goods risks a jail sentence after being convicted by a jury.

Police discovered 224 items stashed at Denny Cheung's house in Sudbury Avenue, Hereford.

The goods came from burglaries at Do-it-All, in Malvern, and mining company Greenwich Resources in Mathon, Herefordshire, said Michael Aspinall, prosecuting.

Cheung, aged 43, was convicted of handling stolen goods between April and July, 2001.

He was granted bail by Judge Michael Mott for a pre-sentence report to be prepared.

Worcester Crown Court heard that 209 items worth £11,800 came from Do-it-All after they were stored on a car park in padlocked containers because of refurbishment work.

Another 15 items, valued at £3,500, disappeared from Greenwich Resources two months later.

Police found it difficult to get into some of Cheung's rooms because of the stacked-up goods. They included hanging baskets, a gas barbeque, 40 packets of string and a toilet seat.

Cheung, a man of previous good character, claimed he was looking after them as a favour for a customer he knew only as "Rob".

But Mr Aspinall said his explanation "beggared belief" and Cheung knew they were stolen and hid them in his home.