CHILDREN at Madresfield Primary School have painted colourful pictures to decorate Madresfield Court when it opens for the afternoon on Sunday.

Headteacher Clive Evans said that the children had enjoyed doing the seasonal artwork.

"Each class used a variety of materials to create pictures based on the theme of autumn colours," he said.

The school held a competition for the best picture in each year. Group and the certificate winners were:

Reception, Heather Ellis; Year 1, Natasha Jones; Year 2, Charlotte Stephens; Year 3, James Rance; Year 4, Jodi Coates; Year 5, Sheridan Lane; Year 6, Katy Rix.

All of the pictures will be on display in the tearoom at the open day, which will take place from 2pm to 5pm on Sunday in aid of the National Gardens Scheme and Madresfield Primary School.

Visitors are invited to explore the 60 acres of formal parkland garden including the estate's famous maze.

Admission is £3 for adults and £1 for children and the garden is suitable for wheelchairs.