THE latest Lib-Dem newsletter hails the success of Coun Tom Wells in securing "a ground-breaking working agreement" which "offers a better deal for local Council Tax-payers who subsidise the Theatres through an annual grant".

Tom is quoted as saying that the Theatres is a "venue of regional importance, so it's right that it is not just supported by local tax payers of Malvern Hills."

Tom Wells has been a Conservator for the last eight years and I am sure he recognises that the Malvern Hills are also of regional importance.

Using the same logic, therefore, he must surely agree that it is right the Conservators should be supported by all 22 wards in the district and not just by the council tax-payers in the six Malvern wards.

At present, the district council appoints eight Conservators (of whom Tom Wells has been one) but doesn't contribute a penny to the Conservators for maintaining Castlemorton Common or Old Hills or Newland Common.

Isn't it time for "a ground-breaking working agreement" which would offer a better deal for the local precept payers in Malvern who support the Conservators with virtually no help from the county councils or the district council?

So how about it, Tom? You know the saying about putting your money where your mouth is?

ALISTAIR MACMILLAN, Alexandra Lane, Malvern.