Traffic lights at a Herefordshire accident blackspot would make the situation worse, according to a local businessman.

Stephen Morgan, who runs the Newtown Cross Service Station, has criticised plans to install lights at the Newtown crossroads on the A4103, which has one of the worst accident records in the county.

Last week, county councillor Rob Manning backed plans for lights. But Mr Morgan said alternative traffic calming measures were a better idea such as narrowing the road, lowering the speed limit or installing a speed camera.

A roundabout would be his first choice but Herefordshire Council says it would be too expensive.

Mr Morgan has set up a petition against traffic lights and has gained more than 400 signatures.

He said that at a public meeting following a fatal accident in July, a majority of the public rejected the idea of lights.

Traffic lights installed at a blackspot in Trumpet have proved successful, but Mr Morgan said Newtown was a different situation. He said the volume of traffic was much higher and there was just one lane of traffic each way, creating tailbacks.

Mr Morgan also expressed concern that each route away from the crossroads had a bend nearby.

Herefordshire Council has carried out a traffic survey and is expected to announce the results soon.

However, Mr Morgan said the survey had been carried out during the quietest month of the year.

He has written to local MP Bill Wiggin in the hope of gaining his support.