Under an October Moon featured Louise Vale (violin) and John Wilson (piano) performing music by Sergei Prokofiev.

Five Pieces from Cinderella were each exaggeratedly idiosyncratic, alluding to a dance. First a 'Grand Waltz' with boldly discordant intervals for the violin played portamento and a quirky piano part. Next, an impressively performed 'Gavotte'. 'Water Fairy' was a beautiful mesmeric movement with the last 'Mazurka' given a wide range of dynamics.

Cinq Melodies Op.35 was another rarely heard group. In 'Lento, ma non troppo' the pianist moved gently against the pizzicato violinist, before developing into exquisite melody. Both these suites were accomplished in a worthy partnership.

John's interpretations of Bach's Prelude and Fugue: No 6 in D minor & No.4 in C sharp minor were realised superbly. Inner parts of both preludes were clear and each voice of fugal entry was prominent.

However, his piece de resistance was his distinguished delivery of Bach's Chromatic Fantasy & Fugue.

Robert Swinton read selections of poetry by Oleg Prokofiev and Boris Pasternak.

Jill Hopkins