SCHOOL FETE: The primary school held yet another successful fete with a jumble, white elephant, cake, books and toy stalls with the ever popular tombola, raising £719.70 for school funds.

Georgina Hollow was the first of many lucky raffle prize winners.

N Mumford named the sheep correctly as Muffin and Mrs Morse was the nearest person to guess the sheep's weight at 59.85kg.

n KING GEORGE'S HALL: The valiant fund-raising committee has arranged for Saturday, October 25, between 10am and noon, the sale of Christmas cards and wrapping paper, together with a bring and buy sale.

Admission costs 50p and includes refreshments.Moreton

n INTEREST AND LEISURE CLUB: After the business was completed, the meeting continued with Mr Peter Berry's talk with excellent slides entitled To the Roof of the World - North India.

He had wonderful shots of the tiny narrow gauge two carriage steam train (built in 1880 and still running) chugging its way up to Darjeeling taking eight hours to do so.

Right at the top there is a splendid Tibetan monastery.

Mr Berry was warmly applauded for his most interesting talk and given a vote of thanks by the chairman. The meeting then closed.

n FLOWER CLUB: The demonstrator for the evening was Mrs Sandra Snell, with Arrangement in Baskets and many colourful flowers, which gave members a most enjoyable evening.

The next meeting is due to be held at 7.30pm, on October 24, when Mrs Lorena Dyer will give a demonstration entitled That Special Little Something.

n GETTING AROUND: How travellers got around in Anglo-Saxon England was the subject of Ann Cole's talk at Moreton Local History Society's October meeting in a packed WI Hall.

She showed colour slides of today's roads that were once ancient trackways and described how places like Fairford, Stretton, Evenlode, Broadway and Moreton got their names through a highway connection.

The society's 2004 calendar is now obtainable through committee member Mike Rees (01608 650825) at £5 a copy.

It consists of historic photos of the town and district plus entries per day of local anniversaries.

It has been researched and compiled by chairman Guy Stapleton.

The next meeting on Wednesday, November 12, continues the highway theme with a talk by David Viner on Cotswold milestones and turnpikes.