ACTION-packed paintings have brightened up a once-bland wall at a centre for children with difficulties at school.

Youngsters at the St John's Pupil Referral Unit, in Glebe Close, St John's, Worcester, have painted pictures of children playing sport and enjoying outdoor activities on a wall bordering their playground.

The paintings also form part of the unit's national curriculum obligations.

The wall was put up over the summer holidays to divide the unit, which helps children having difficulty holding down places at Worcester schools because of behavioural problems, from a newly-constructed car park.

"We were confronted by a by huge grey concrete wall. It looked horrible and bleak," said teacher Lynne Plimmer.

"We decided to put something appropriate on it and as this is where the children play games and sporting activities we decided to represent as many activities as we could.

"The kids absolutely love it. We get children here that come and go and they are all impressed by it."