A COMMUNITY pharmacist has won the Medicines Management category at the Pharmacy Business Awards 2003.

Hooman Ghalamkari, a pharmacist at DG Pharmacy, Dines Green, Worcester,

was presented with a glass trophy and £2,000 at a glittering ceremony held at the London Hilton Hotel last Tuesday.

Patricia Hewitt, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, and editor-in-chief of Pharmacy Business Ramniklal Solanki, presented the award.

"We were very surprised and felt very proud," said Dr Ghalamkari, who has a doctorate in medicine.

"It's not just an award for me but for all of us who work for the pharmacy."

The awards were organized by Pharmacy Business magazine and compered by television presenter Nikki Bedi.

More then 700 guests, including leading manufacturers, health officials

and politicians attended.

Dr Ghalamkari, helped pilot the Vantage Health Watch scheme, which allows

pharmacies to specialise in treating certain conditions, such as blood

pressure and diabetes.

"Vantage Health Watch has been going for two years and it allows pharmacists to look after patients beyond just dispensing their prescriptions," said Dr Ghalamkari.

"For instance, if you have diabetes the health watch scheme can monitor your sugar levels and provide you with advice on managing your condition.

"This all takes place at the pharmacy."

Dr Ghalamkari plans to expand his management services further to include

services for conditions such as asthma and palliative care.

"I measure success in terms of how many people I have helped look after themselves better rather than how much money is made," he said.

Councillor Margaret Layland who works as a healthcare assistant at DG Pharmacy said the staff and community were delighted with the award.

"We as a team are proud of Hooman," she said.

"The trophy is currently on display at the pharmacy."

DG Pharmacy, which opened six years ago, has many accolades under its belt including Community Pharmacy of the Year 2000, Pharmacy Services 2000, counter assistant Judy Threadgold was named best retail assistant in the pharmacy category in the Worcester Welcome Retail Awards 2003, and Dr Ghalamkari won Vantage Pharmacist of the Year 1999.

The pharmacy on Gresham Road expanded its mobility aids to the disabled when it set up a shop at Lychgate Shopping Centre, Worcester, at the

beginning of August.

The new shop, called DG Health & Mobility Centre provides scooters,

wheelchairs, walkers, bath seats and bath lifts.

DG Pharmacy currently employs four full-time and five part-time staff, and

DG Health & Mobility employs one full-time member of staff.