ANGRY residents continuing to fight against longer nightclub opening hours were facing an easier task today after one club withdrew its application.

Worcester's Bamboo, in Cripplegate Park, retracted its request to open for an extra hour-and-a-half after Sunday nights - just hours before city councillors were due to consider their application this afternoon.

Co-licensee Stephen Castledine would not reveal the circumstances behind the decision, saying only: "We've withdrawn for now."

However Bushwackers, in Trinity Street, still wants to let customers party for two hours longer during week nights and Saturdays.

Councillors were due to deliberate their application at this afternoon's meeting.

Last week, residents were jubilant after councillors rejected applications from Tramps, in Angel Place, and Le Mango, in Angel Row.

Objectors feared the longer hours would encourage loutishness, despite restrictions which meant that, if the applications had succeeded, the clubs would not have been allowed to extend the hours they could serve alcohol.

Campaigner Vince Tregus, who represents Bridge Street residents opposed to the plans, was pleased Sundays would offer some respite from the problems they already suffer.

"It gives us a night free from it all," he said.

"I think there's a lot of opposition to the Sunday night especially. It's only an hour extension but Sunday is the only night we have any peace and quiet.

"Thursday, Friday and Saturday is absolutely terrible down here. You get all 600 people coming back over the bridge in a drunken state, giving verbal abuse, urinating in our garden."