EVEN though the evidence of its mismanagement, incompetence and total disregard of its electorate and the rest of the UK is becoming more self evident, this government may unfortunately just survive another General Election.

Not because of its accomplishments, but because of the foreseeable lack of a convincing successor.

It does not take a political pundit to see through the unimaginative, apprehensive Conservative party and its characterless leader grasping at any straw as he attempts to convince us that he would make a suitable Prime Minister.

Or worse still, the Liberal party whose triumph at a recent by-election was greeted by hysterical middle class moderates as though they had won the entire country's vote already.

With these two handicapped parties as our only realistic alternatives now that Screaming Lord Such has passed away, the future looks bleak indeed.

Taking recent events as a guide, the old maxim that "the only time a politician doesn't lie is when his mouth is shut" could realistically be applied.

We were all suckered in by the Blair blag and still are. His reprehensible henchmen seem at times to resemble the Mafia.

My feelings are, that unfortunately for us all, the Labour Party is still just the better of a poor lot.


Ramsons Close, Malvern.