BRICK entrance pillars to an Aldington hardstanding site and a residential caravan placed there must be removed, say council chiefs, who have issued an enforcement order.

Wychavon District Council says erection of the pillars and the presence of the caravan, at 1 Sidings Lane, both breach planning regulations.

The authority also insists that recently planted young conifer trees have to be removed, together with timber fencing in and around the hardstanding and a small grass area.

Under the steps demanded for the removal of the pillars are that they be demolished, their foundations dug up and materials used in their construction removed from the site.

In a report to Wychavon's development control committee, planning officer Phil Wears described the placing of the residential caravan on the hardstanding area as "a very deliberate breach of planning control".

He explained the report related to land next to a long-standing site with two caravans occupied by a family who were gipsies but then settled.

He added: "Brick pillars have also been erected to the unauthorised new access, these exceeding the maximum one-metre height which could be allowed with permitted development rights."

He warned: "In this case, there is potential for strong resistance to enforcement and for further unauthorised and related development to be carried out, in particular, the construction of an amenity building and the use of land for the parking/stationing of contractors' vehicles and equipment sometimes kept by a caravan occupier."

The occupier of the caravan has declined to comment to the Journal.