"COMMUNITY has rights in school sites" claims a local pressure group. What rights?

Individuals certainly have the right to elect representatives to the appropriate authority and to make views known through them, but a majority decision prevails.

When Worcester was a small county borough we led the way quite successfully for centuries in many fields.

Then "bigger is better" became vogue and what had hitherto been local issues became matters to be determined by a majority from far and wide.

The frustration of St John's residents is understandable for their representatives on the regional education authority, namely Worcestershire County Council, must be hopelessly outnumbered. So long as this is the case, what other rights can they claim?

Certainly, they have no right to deprive the children of the area of the benefits we, the ratepayers of the former Worcester County Borough Council invested in them when we bought the land and built Christopher Whitehead School.

Let the education authority decide what is in the best interests of the children.

