REPORTED in the September 25 issue of Shuttle/Times and News were the concerns of the Labour group on Wyre Forest District Council about the £180,000 which had just been directed into councillors' pockets in the form of increased allowances.

The key point we made was that spending money for this purpose should have been compared against other spending options in the normal budget-making process.

Just a short time later, it is becoming clear what those other options might be, namely recycling, Bewdley Museum, litter collection and neighbourhood wardens.

Already the executive has received advice that extra funding will be needed to provide a comprehensive, district-wide recycling service.

It has also been informed that Bewdley Museum will have to be re-instated into the council's budget long term, if it is to survive.

The litter working party will report in October that neither streets, nor grassed areas, nor many privately-owned areas are kept tidy to an acceptable level.

Meanwhile, the community health and safety scrutiny committee will recommend that the council part-fund the neighbourhood warden service.

We do not know yet whether £180,000 would cover the potential increased expenditure.

We do know, however, that this sum of money, having disappeared into councillors' pockets, can only be recouped from the pockets of someone else - the council taxpayer.


Labour Group Leader

Wyre Forest District Council

Redstone Lane
