LEADING campaigners for fairer funding for Worcestershire schools have teamed up on the set of a TV documentary to be screened this week.

Jonathan Pearsall and Juliet Brunner, county parent governor representatives, and Helen Donovan, a mother-of-two who began a campaign for fairer funding in January, were filmed as part of the Carlton TV programme.

The four-part series, being shown as part of the news at 6pm tonight, tomorrow, Thursday and Friday, examines education funding across the country, and focuses on Worcestershire and its schools.

"Recent figures highlighted by Mike Foster suggest that funding is improving but the reality is that funding in Worcestershire is worse than virtually every other comparable county," said Mr Pearsall.

And Helen Donovan, whose petition for fairer funding now has 4,580 signatures, said such coverage would make Worcestershire's case hard to ignore.

"After the first petition and lobbying in Westminster, television and radio programmes will make it increasingly embarrassing for the Government when they see what is going on in our schools," she said.