I RECENTLY attended the opening of the newly refurbished magistrates courts in Grove Street.

I was delighted to see such a good example of Government investment in our justice system right here in Redditch.

Now there are much better facilities for victims and witnesses of crime than there were before. There is better security and a range of courtrooms to suit family-based cases to more serious offences.

Before the 1997 General Election, I brought Jack Straw, the then Shadow Home Secretary, to see the Witness Support Service that was being run so well from the old court.

That system is now being rolled out nationally and in Redditch the service has new facilities. So it should as it is an example to the nation.

THIS week I will be at the Labour Party Conference where I expect to find some lively debates. It is right important issues are debated not just between parties trying to score party political points but also within parties.

That's good for democracy. I'll be putting my point of view and I know others will too.

But we all know who the enemy is. It is a Conservative Government led by Iain Duncan Smith that will cut spending on our schools and hospitals, cut the number of students who can go to university and lead us to the fringes of Europe.

On Friday, I will be meeting a local manufacturing company, Samuel Taylor in Lakeside, to among other things, see for myself how they are succeeding building their business.

I will also be visiting new homes that have been built near the B&Q in Smallwood. The houses offer first-class, affordable homes and are testament to the hard work of staff and tenants alike.