GRANTS from Malvern Hills District Council have helped local organisations to develop their projects.

At a ceremony held at Priory Lodge Hall, council chairman Don Pearce handed out cheques to more than 50 groups and charities.

In Welland, the parish council was given money to buy grass seed that could endure wear and tear to plant on their new sports field.

Parish council member Lindsey Newell said: "It's absolutely fantastic for our community. We have been trying to put our sports field together for six or seven years and it's all coming to fruition."

Newtown Junior Football Club will use its grant to help set up the first girls' football team in Malvern.

Coach Simon Elmes said: "The money means we can fund buying balls, strips, goals, drinks bottles and training coaches for the team."

The Malvern Access Group was given a grant to purchase a special bench for its sensory garden in Victoria Park, Malvern Link.

The bench will allow people to sit down and get up easily as it will have arms all the way along.

Wheelchairs can be left on a flat space next to it so they will not block the path.

Group chairman Viv Owens said: "The money means that people with a disability who have difficulty sitting on an ordinary bench can enjoy sitting in the gardens."

"On the evening it was just really good to see how much money was going out to people."

Coun Pearce said the presentation has been a great success.

"It was a super evening and we got people from a wide area talking to each other about their particular projects, comparing notes and generally networking which worked beautifully," he said.