THE deadline is looming for residents to have their say on plans to shape the future of the Vale of Evesham.

Wychavon District Council is inviting them to comment on the changes which have been made to the first draft of the Local Plan Review, and they have to be in by 5pm next Thursday.

A number of removals have been made as a result of the first consultation including a greenfield site for 300 houses at Evesham, new housing in Sedgeberrow, replacing garage

courts in Pershore with housing, and an area of open space in Bredons Norton.

A new area for housing, small scale employment and open space in Honeybourne has been identified on the plan.

Head of planning at Wychavon Jack Hegarty said: "We think we've produced a plan which has the interests of the community at heart. But we are aware that some of the proposals are

controversial and will not be to everyone's liking. So now is that chance to have a say, the future of Wychavon is in your hands."

The Local Plan Review identifies areas to accommodate 1,300 houses and 50 acres of employment land across Wychavon and it can be viewed at local libraries and Wychavon Shops or on the council's website