I HAD hoped that having received a mammoth subsidy from the rest of us, the minority of Wyre Piddle residents who support the prohibition of traffic through that village would now be dozing contentedly within their fortress.

Not so, unfortunately. No sooner has the first accident debris been cleared from the bypass than Councillor Stytch wants reduced speed limits. As the Councillor knows this will necessitate major new road signs and markings plus the almost inevitable metres of red paint. Next stage will be enforcement cameras. A bit like Wyre village itself - which will soon be able to boast a roundabout of its own that also 'goes nowhere'!

The one thing everyone is agreed upon is that the by pass is, and will remain, uneconomic" - millions have so far been spent. Now, Councillor Stytch is wanting yet more money to be spent on it. Another supporter of the Wyre road closure recently advocated in The Journal that in order to shore up the financing of an uneconomic project its use must be enforced.

A curious concept. I had expected this sort of nonsense to have ended once the Council agreed the onerous bypass contract terms but it yet again illustrates just what muddled thinking got the Wyre saga into the mess it is and which we as taxpayers can do without.

The public enquiry revealed that taxpayers must maintain the Wyre village road in a condition that would enable it to be suddenly re-opened to through traffic at any time as, inter alia, it is to be used as a relief road whenever the bypass is blocked. This was unwelcome news to those few preparing the barricades and for whom the public purse was very much a minor consideration.

ALAN BOYES, Fladbury.