PRESIDENT Brenda Dainty welcomed members to the August meeting. A possible outing to Warburton's Bakery was suggested and members responded enthusiastically. Names were taken for the Autumn Council Meeting to be held in Evesham.

Speaker for the day was Sonia, from Bromsgrove Citizens Advice Bureau. She began her talk by handing out a written quiz, which made most realise how little was actually known about this excellent service.

CAB is a charity with funding from local, district and county councils and some grants and donations from other sources, manned mainly by trained part-time volunteers and a small staff of professional advisors.

Advice is given and options pointed out on a very wide range of issues such as housing, benefits, employment, family problems and relationships - but the most advice given out concerns debt.

The next meeting is at 2pm on September 24 when Sue Sollis talks about her fund-raising moped ride from Land's End to John O'Groats. Visitors welcome.