I UNDERSTAND that more than 18 months ago, the Government brought in a law that made it illegal for cyclists to ride on pavements and, if found doing so, would run the risk of a £100 fine.

Well, they are still riding on pavements and I have yet to hear or see in the Press reports of anyone being fined.

I don't know who is responsible for enforcing this law, but whoever it is, they should go into the city and around the area where I live to see it being completely ignored.

If children see adults doing it they think it is okay. Three children on bikes nearly knocked me down yesterday when I was walking from Lincoln Green to get the bus at the bottom of Liverpool Road.

Also, I believe it is illegal to park a car half on the pavement and half on the road, but this is also being done and cars are also being driven on pedestrian zones in the city.

I am aware that the police are short-staffed but something should be done about both these flagrant breeches of the law of the land.

I am an elderly woman of 82 years old, have high blood pressure, and a slight heart condition so unfortunately I have to use a stick and cannot get out of the way to avoid a cyclist.

Most car drivers are very considerate to cyclists and give them space.

