THE letter from B Churchill concerning drunken louts on the riverside and the letter from Mark Stone concerning careless pedestrians made interesting reading (You Say, September 1).

My friend's job entails caring for the elderly, which necessitates the use of a car.

A few days ago, my friend was driving along St Nicholas Street, Worcester when the driver in front stopped suddenly, when the lights were showing green, for no immediately apparent reason.

A little put out, my friend "tooted" the driver. Then he saw the reason why she had been compelled to put her own life and his at risk.

Three unkempt undesirables, carrying beer cans, had walked into the road, suddenly, without bothering about the "green man" facility. He protested but all he got was a grossly obscene gesture.

There is supposed to be a law against consuming alcohol in the central areas of the city - it should be rigorously enforced.

D E MARGRETT, Worcester.