BERROW'S Journal reported the end of the 1903 salmon season at this time exactly 100 years ago.

"The season concluded on Monday last, and local fishmongers will cease for a time to have Severn salmon on sale.

"In the opinion of local fishermen and fishmongers, the season has been the best experienced for many years. There has been an abundance of fish, some very fine indeed, and prices have been well maintained, closing at between 1s.2d and 1s.6d per pound."

However, the same Journal edition of 1903 reported a less fortuitous start to the hop-picking season for one particular group of 60 pickers aboard a horse-drawn waggon.

"They were being conveyed from Worcester to Mr Pullen's hop gardens at Alfrick when they had an exciting time near the Boughton cricket ground. On the bank leading towards the Whitehall public house, the shafts of the cart suddenly snapped, and about a dozen of the pickers were thrown upon the highway.

"One woman was badly cut and injured but she refused to be taken to hospital, while the remainder were more or less badly bruised and shaken.

"The horse was promptly got under control, and another cart requisitioned to complete the journey."