ALAN Bennett's plays have been delighting audiences for decades and Malvern Theatre Players are about to revive the very first.

Forty Years On premiered at the Apollo Theatre in London in 1968 and went on to break box office records.

An irreverent satire, it comments on social issues and the class war with a distinctive Bennett comic touch and some poignant moments.

The MTP production will be directed by the established hand of Jan Greig, with design by company manager Chris Bassett.

It will run from September 10-13 at the Forum Theatre at the Malvern Theatres.

The play is set in Albion House, a rundown public school on the South Downs, where the headmaster, played by Andrew Howie, is about to retire.

To mark the occasion, the staff devise an entertainment, Speak for England Arthur, set during the Second World War and looking back over the period 1900 to 1940.

Principal roles are taken by Darren Morris, Lee Farley, Liz Burton, Steve Mellor and Dianne Lloyd and the players are reinforced by a strong contingent from local schools, several in key roles.

A total of 17 young men chip in with the singing of Forty Years On, apparently a favourite of Winston Churchill's.

Some have appeared with MTP previously, including Ben Humphrey, Dave Crowe, Luke Lupton, James Houlbrooke and Harry Harris. For others, like Hywel Pothecary, who plays an antique American pedal organ throughout the production, this is his first appearance with the Players.

MTP's effort in recruiting young talent is in marked contrast to Sir John Gielgud, the headmaster in the original production. He wanted to use cardboard cutouts for the boys, until dissuaded by the playwright.

Performances are at 7.30pm and tickets are £8.50 (£7.50 concs) from 01684892277.