SWASHBUCKLING adventure Pirates of the Caribbean (12A) comes to Malvern Theatres this week.

Johnny Depp stars as Captain Jack Sparrow, a maverick who leads a motley crew of pirates, including blacksmith Will Turner (Orlando Bloom), on a white-knuckle ride across the Caribbean.

Their quest is to find the legendary Black Pearl and rescue Elizabeth Swann, the governor's daughter and Will's sweetheart.

The film is showing from today (Friday) until Thursday, September 4, at 7.30pm. Matinees are on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Thursday at 3pm.

The Forum Film Special this week is Secretary (18), a controversial black comedy, next Wednesday at 8.15pm. A young woman, recently released from a mental hospital, becomes a secretary to a demanding lawyer. Their relationship moves from a working one to sexual and sadomasochistic.