ONE of the biggest Ledbury Carnival processions in recent years was led through the town by well-behaved Hereford bull Freetown Unison.

The weather forecasts might have threatened rain but Ledbury stayed dry and the crowds came out for a spectacle to remember.

There were 42 official entries, not including the extra participants who did not wish to be included as competition candidates.

Those taking part in Monday's event included Ledbury Hunt, Weston's cider dray carrying the judges, Ledbury Fire Brigade, plus a number of dancing groups.

The procession started to roll from Ledbury Rugby Club at noon, along the traditional route that took in New Street and the town centre, before finishing at Ledbury Primary School.

Carnival committee chairman Steve Clegg said: "It was one of the biggest processions I can remember."

The mayor of Ledbury, Keith Francis, said: "It was good to see local companies in the procession this year. Robertson's and Countrywide both had entries this time and it was also good to see that both young and old participated. Harling Court had a very good float and Much Marcle Primary School was the overall winner."

Entries were judges in seven classes. The winners were:

CLASS ONE - Children's fancy dress up to eight years: 1, Two Little Pink Mice (Lydia Whitehouse and Yasmin Hay); 2, Little Piggy (Finley Yeates).

CLASS TWO - Children's fancy dress - 8 to 16 years: 1, Jubilee Oak (Alexander Jupp); 2 (Jointly), 18th Century Flower Girls (Emma and Carol Somers).

CLASS THREE - Senior fancy dress: 1, Farmer Giles' Shire Horse (Marilyn Roberts); 2 (Jointly), Old MacDonald's Got a Farm (Sally Harling). Cowpat (Ann Stevenson).

CLASS FOUR - Best bike, pram, hand-propelled vehicle or walking group: 1 (Jointly), Flower Fairies Gone to Seed (Glazy Dayz). Rotary Round the Countryside (The Ledbury Rotary Club); 3, Cider with Susie (Sue Harling).

CLASS FIVE - Best equine entry: 1, The Original Four by Four Pickup (Newbridge Farm Park).

CLASS SIX - Best commercial group: 1, Victorian Market (Harling Court); 2, English Country Garden (The Payzone); 3, I've Got a Brand New Combine Harvester (Serendipity and Rosey Ford).

CLASS SEVEN - Best organisation entry: 1, The Milky Bar Kids (Marie Park and Much Marcle Primary School); 2, Satan's Garden (Jess Smith and Friends); 3, Gypsy Wagon (Melissa Johns and Friends).

BEST OVERALL - The Milky Bar Kids (Marie Park and Much Marcle Primary School).