MALVERN businessman Mike Hadley has completed a deal which could help the firm he founded become the leading UK supplier of electronic prescription software.

Under the deal, a controlling interest in Hadley Healthcare Ltd has been taken by Tom Attwood, managing director of MultEpoS Computer Systems Ltd.

Despite the move, Mr Hadley will retain his involvement with the company.

Hadley Healthcare Ltd, in Worcester Road, was set up by Mr Hadley around four years ago to make and supply ECLIPSE PMR systems.

The software allows a doctor to enter a patient's prescription into a computer where it will be sent electronically to a specified pharmacy.

The Government is keen to promote the use of e-technology in pharmacies as it believes it is more efficient.

ECLIPSE PMR systems are currently used in 135 Co-Op Healthcare pharmacies. MultEPoS makes point of sale equipment for use in shops.

Both men hope that combining the technology will make the product even more successful and will make Hadley Healthcare Ltd the leading UK suppliers of this equipment.

Mr Hadley said: "The companies will be operating as separate companies, but will be sharing development in certain areas. Buyers normally need the two different pieces of equipment, but had to buy them separately until now."

Mr Hadley, who was originally a pharmacist himself, is known to many as a former Liberal Democrat prospective parliamentary candidate who ran against Sir Michael Spicer for the West Worcestershire parliamentary seat in 1997 and July 2001.