IN reply to Mrs Mavor's complaints regarding Hayslan Field (Your Letters, August 15), I must congratulate you, it appears you have accepted that Malvern Girls' College owns the field and about time too!

However, my praise ends there, as yet again Malvern's most successful school and an employer of several hundred locals is being attacked.

After being forced to defend their property from an unfounded attempt to 'steal' the field, it now appears the latest complaint is thistles, I mean, really, thistles! Are they really that much of a burden?

According to Mrs Mavor, it seems Hayslan also defies all national statistics by being populated by mainly asthma and allergy suffers. Tell me, is Elvis down there too?

I live 100 yards from the field but do not see these huge plumes of seeds in the air, or is that the Met office's fault for the wind only blowing your way. I must also bring to your attention a large kilt-wearing nation called Scotland. It appears six million people who live there have no problem with their national emblem, so why should you?

To conclude Mrs Mavor, before you demand social responsibility, try showing some yourself.

I suggest leaving the college alone as it attempts to further enhance its reputation and therefore our town's reputation and to stop making ridiculous allegations and demands.

Daniel Thomas May, Clerkenwell Crescent, Malvern.