A YOUTH drama group from Upton has been given clearance to go-ahead with its latest production.

The Peppercorns were concerned that its performance of Godspell would have to be cancelled.

Just a month before the show begins, the group was told parents must give their written permission for their children to perform.

Group leader Porla Hickman said she was fearful that with many families on holiday, the group's 30 performers would not get permission in time.

However, Worcestershire Education Welfare Service has given the group an exemption certificate allowing the show, which runs from September 11 to 13, to go-ahead.

"It's a great result," said Mrs Hickman. "I've told the performers and they are obviously as delighted, as I am."

Mrs Hickman said she believed the forms were designed to be filled in by professional performers.

"There were a lot of questions being asked about them taking time off school and doing a certain amount of nights and the answers were always 'no'," she said. "It was quite a concern but I think everyone has calmed down and is now looking forward to it."

Tom Preston, a spokesman for the welfare service, said: "We've spoken with the group and established that their performance does not need a licence to perform, as the event will not be making a profit and does not last longer than four days."