WEST Mercia's new Chief Constable has been on the beat in Upton following disquiet over levels of policing in the town.

Concerns were raised at a recent public meeting and there have been threats of vigilante patrols being mounted.

Paul West, who took over the force on August 1, said: "I've been out on patrol in Upton on the hottest night of the year and I've never been in such a quiet place at pub turning out time in 25 years of policing. Perhaps I was lucky but people have to put things in context."

Police say they are also happy with the way the town's Water Festival went, despite problems on Friday and Saturday night. Seven people were arrested as extra officers were drafted in for the event, which attracted between 13,000 and 16,000 people.

Three men from Gloucester were arrested for assault on Saturday night following a fight outside the Star Inn. They have been bailed while inquiries continue. The arrests followed a call from a member of the public who reported 50 people fighting in High Street.

Police were on the scene in around four minutes.

Two men were due to appear before Worcester magistrates yesterday (Thursday), one charged with possession of cannabis another for drink-driving, following other arrests at the weekend.

Two teenagers were cautioned for public order offences on Saturday night.

Upton police Sergeant Robert Werner de Sondberg said the festival was a "complete success", but added: "It was disappointing that late Friday evening and also after the firework display on Saturday, a very small minority of people decided to behave in an anti-social manner."

He said there were also parking problems which he would be addressing with the organising committee.

Festival in pictures, see page 4.