IF you fancy a flavour of Cuba but can't afford the air fair, Jules Benjamin's new album launch may do the trick.

People who come to hear Jules and his band play songs from their latest long-player Studebaker's Dozen at Worcester's Marr's Bar on Sunday will notice a bit of a Latin feel, courtesy of Jules' Cuban trip.

Jules was in Cuba for a charity trek on behalf of the National Deaf Children's Society.

"We saw a lot of music out there and it filtered its way into the album," says Jules, who lives in the centre of Worcester.

"Cuba is a great place. The people were very friendly and generous considering

it is such a poor country.

"Musicians and bands, many with guitars and double bass, would just start playing."

Jules' band consists of Carl Lewis on drums, Kristian Rozell on lead guitar, Adam Hood on bass and Jon Acland on rhythm guitar.

Studebaker's Dozen has taken 10 months to record and includes 13 songs with titles such as You've Come a Long Way Daniel Kaminsky, about the actor Danny Kaye.

Jules says: "I've always been a Danny Kaye fan. When I was a little kid at school they used to play his records in assembly. He did some amazing songs."

"We do melodic rock pop with an emphasis on lyrics. I like to tell stories with the music.

"I also like wordplay, whereas a lot of people write songs purely with words that fit."

But don't expect a sedate, singer-songwriter-type gig at the Marr's Bar.

Jules says that when he plays live he likes to put on a show.

"This one will be a bit more dynamic," he says.

Jules will be supported at the Pierpoint Street venue by Velvet Trick, and local singer/songwriter Rob O'Neill, who also hosts the jam night at The Lamb, West Malvern, every Thursday night.

Tickets cost £4 in advance.