A WEEK tomorrow, Saturday, September 6, will see the Garden & Nature Club's annual show at the village hall, which, after the fine summer we have had, promises to produce some fine fruit and vegetable exhibits, although flowers have often struggled in the prolonged dry spells. The club has made a special effort to encourage allotment holders to enter produce - certainly there are some impressive vegetables around the plots this year.

The September date for the show is the latest for some years, and classes for dahlias, dessert apples and plums, ripened onions, and even leeks and parsnips are included. As well as the traditional bakery, jams and crafts, there are four classes for photographs, which have been a highlight of recent shows both in numbers and quality.

An interesting innovation this year is that the Anniversary Cup will be presented for the best single exhibit, rather than the most successful overall exhibitor as in the past.

This could present the judges with a tough task, as they try to decide between, say, three leeks, a Victoria sponge cake, a bonsai tree, a single rose and a humorous photograph. There will be the usual excellent teas and the ever-popular produce and plant stalls. For anyone thinking of entering the competitive class, schedules are available from the village stores.

Some residents are still puzzling over an ad in the Village Swapshop feature in the last issue of the Hills Echo, distributed free around West Malvern.

This read: "Single divan bed, little used and in good condition. Make an offer! - to be shared with friends of St James." Hm.