LAST Sunday the morning service of matins held at St Peter's Church, Powick, was conducted by The Rev. David Nichol, who also baptised little Amelia Grace Edwards of Ham Lane. Bible readings were read by Jackie Maple and Ian Gane, with prayers led by Thea Wild.

Next Sunday, August 31, there will not be a church service at Powick or Callow End. Instead there is a united benefice service of holy communion at Madresfield Church at 10.30am when the guest speaker will be a representative of the Gideon Society.

Advance notice is given of a sponsored cycle ride within the Worcester Diocese on Saturday, September 14. Cyclists, horse riders and walkers can be sponsored to visit as many churches as possible during the day. Half the sponsor money will go to the chosen church, the remainder to the Worcester and Dudley Historic Church Fund. Sponsor forms are available from both Powick and Callow End churches or you could sponsor the Nichol family who will be cycling for St Peter's Church, which has received generous grants towards its repairs. The church will be open from 10am till 6pm to welcome visitors and cyclists to look around, gain information and partake of refreshments. Contact Thea Wild on (01905) 831048 for further details.

Powick Guild resumes after the summer break on Tuesday, September 9, at 2.30pm in the parish hall meeting room. The speaker will be local farmer Malcolm Rankin of the Farmers Overseas Action Group (FOAG), who will talk of the work among farmers in Uganda. New members are welcome.

Powyke Women's Institute did not meet during August except for an evening meal at The Fox, Bransford. Four members also attended the National Trust house, Shugborough, the home of Lord Lichfield (cousin of the Queen and famous photographer) in Shropshire. The September meeting will be on Wednesday, September 10, at the Orchard Club, Colletts Green.

Fifteen Brownies, one pack leader and one young leader attended a four-day pack holiday at Lower Broadheath Memorial Hall in August.

Members of the 1st Powick Brownies and their leaders explored the theme of Winnie the Pooh, basing crafts, activities and sports on the theme. A walk around the village included a quiz on the trees, churchyard and church. Various badges were gained including cooks, craft and house orderly. Term recommences at 5pm on Friday, September 5, at Powick Parish Hall. There are one or two vacancies for 7-10 year old girls. We have said goodbye to Laura Smith of Malvern who is going on to Guides.

Powick Playing Field Association committee and friends wish to thank all who donated items, gave of their time and money to help make this year's summer fete a great success. The final profit now stands at £1,500. The winning balloon in the balloon race reached Catterick, Yorkshire, and was owned by a family from St Peter's. The prize was a meal for four at the Crown Inn.