ST Anne's Church in Oxenhall has benefited to the tune of £200 from the recent jumble sale held in Newent Memorial Hall. Grateful thanks are due to all who contributed in any way to this successful event.

St Anne's Church worshippers will attend the 10am parish communion service at Kempley Church on Sunday, August 31.

On Sunday, September 7, there will be a 9.30am service of matins in St Anne's Church to be conducted by Mrs Jessie Williams.

On Sunday, July 27, Oxenhall parish hall inside and outside was a hive of activity with over 60 people attending the parish lunch. The weather was fine and there was a very relaxed atmosphere as parishioners, friends and visitors enjoyed the delicious buffet lunch. The raffle was well supported. The event raised a total of £400, which is shared between St Anne's Church and the Parish Hall Trust. Grateful thanks have been expressed to all who helped in any way to make this such a successful event.